This Website Is Powered With Renewable 100% Wind Energy

Solidload has offset all of the electricity used by our servers, routers and air conditioners with Mid-Atlantic 100% Wind energy. We support renewable energy through the purchase of certified Renewable Energy Certificates from Sterling Planet via Clean Currents.

How It Works

  • Hosting Direct purchases renewable energy certificates to support electricity created by Wind Turbines in our area. The certificates represent all of the environmental attributes or benefits of a specific quantity of renewable generation, namely the benefits that everyone receives when conventional fuels, such as coal, nuclear, oil, or gas, are displaced.
  • By purchasing certificates for 100% of the electricity use of our servers, routers, and air conditioners, we are ensuring that an equal amount of wind generated electricity is delivered to the electricity grid in the Mid-Atlantic region. When the wind is blowing, electricity produced by nearby turbines and is "tagged" for our use and pushed to the grid - far more electricity than we are using at that given time.
  • Later, we tap an equal amount of electricity for use to power our racks and climate control. Using these renewable energy certificates allows us to draw clean power in our four separate data centers.

Further information

  • Clean Currents
  • Sterling Planet
  • Mid-Atlantic Wind Power Gallery
  • Green hosting by